The crisis can come at any time and it always happens differently. Each person is individual and the so -called symptoms of the crisis are quite individual. However, there are similar symptoms with each other, which can help determine the onset of the crisis.
Take a closer look at your partner. Perhaps he became very irritable, he has a frequent change of mood, he is not satisfied with his appearance. If this phenomenon is temporary, then everything is explained by banal fatigue and overwork. But if this was not limited to ordinary irritability and you began to notice how your half is trying to suddenly look like youth, and in particular paying attention to young persons, the mood begins to change too often and literally from extreme to extremes. All this indicates that it is most likely a middle -aged crisis.
Psychologists argue that in fact crises are present in people’s lives from an early age and contribute to the formation of a person.
What are the symptoms of crisis
The very first crisis comes to the life of a person aged about three years, when the time comes to the child becomes independent. Further, adolescence is another crisis. There is also a crisis of maturity that a person faces at the age of 30-35 years. A person enters a new stage of life, there is a rethinking of life. Also recently, another type of crisis of an ambition crisis has appeared. It is observed in young people aged 22-28, when there is a person in the profession and often this stage of life is quite complicated.
Causes of middle -aged crisis
A middle -aged crisis arises in a man when he begins to look back at his past, understands that his youth has gone and will not return and regrets it. In this regard, there is a fear of the future, and all hopes and dreams collapse. Moreover, if his children are already adult fear of his fear. Because of the feeling of disappointment, a man literally spends all his strength on proved first of all to himself that he is still full of strength and energy, that he can still achieve and achieve much. It can show this in the fact that a man can change his work, his wardrobe, hobbies, and in some cases even his family.
What are the symptoms of crisis
This crisis can occur not only in men, but also in women. However, they begin about about 30 years. The remaining symptoms and fears are the same as in men. Only women are more worried about the fact that their youth leaves than due to unrealization in life.
How to survive the crisis
It is better to warn the crisis, like a regular disease, than to treat. Try to share the professional interests of your partner and be proud of his achievements. In the event that there are not many achievements, you do not need to focus on this and constantly remind you about it. On the contrary, try to support your partner in everything, the main thing is that he is engaged in what he likes. Make sure that he always rests, especially if his work is quite intense. Always insist on vacation, let it not be big, but full -fledged. No need to talk with him about the age, and even more so you do not need to hint that the best young years have long been behind. These conversations can cause a crisis.
If the crisis has already come, then you should be patient and wisdom. Try to take care of yourself to pay all the attention of the partner to yourself so that he does not think to look around.
What are the symptoms of crisis
If the crisis has come for your woman, you need to constantly admire her, talk about how beautiful she looks, how smart she is and so on. Try to help her in the household so that she has time to do something interesting, find a hobby.
After some time, the crisis will end and everything will return to its place. However, you will not go through a slight test to support each other, patience and wisdom, and once again prove that you still love each other.