On the territory of Ukraine, and Dnepropetrovsk in particular, quite significant difficulties are observed in the negotiation process regarding the land issue of local representatives of the authorities. As a result, development companies talk about the actual absence of a new territory in the near future for the implementation of new facilities.
The whole development of construction is largely inhibited by local authorities, who simply refuse to allocate land for the construction of new facilities. The corresponding opinion was expressed by all representatives and market participants, within the framework of the round table, the meeting of which took place in Kyiv.
Participants in the negotiation process have already begun to sound the alarm – the authorities in Ukraine do not want to join the negotiation process and allocate land plots available for construction. With each year, the number of available land plots is reduced, therefore, closer to the end of next year, most domestic development companies simply will not have free space for construction measures. In conditions of constant demand for residential real estate in new buildings, this is a fairly alarming sign for the whole of Ukraine.
The authorities are not yet ready to report how exactly it is necessary to get out of this situation. At the same time, certain steps have already been taken, in particular, a coordination system has been created, which is developing a new version of the construction program, which will be aimed at building accessible residential real estate in the country. For this period of time, the commission took up a more detailed study of proposals that came from representatives of construction companies.