Food poisoning can be obtained at home, in places of catering, even in a good restaurant, because poisoning is obtained by getting into the body of contaminated products. Dirt can get to food products during transportation or storage. Severe consequences for human health are left by staphylococcus, salmonella, wand of botulism and E. coli. How to behave with food poisoning, and what measures to take, we will consider in this article.
How to behave with poisoning
Signs of poisoning are nausea, vomiting, high temperature, stomach pain. The best solution is to call a doctor, especially if poisoning occurred in children or the elderly. Emergency ambulance will reveal the type of poison with which you have poisoned, lead it out of the body and prescribe symptomatic treatment. However, adults do not always turn to specialized help, because signs of poisoning can pass in 2-4 days. Very often patients resort to self -medication using folk remedies. Remember, you can resort to the treatment of symptoms of poisoning only with its mild degree.
In any case, in your first -aid kit and the house there should be drugs and drugs that will help you with the body’s poisoning:
Esmarch mug (serves to complete the intestines);
soda, salt, soapy water, Ipekakuana root, mustard, potassium permanganate. vitamin C;
diuretic, laxatives;
milk, egg white, activated carbon, tannin;
jelly, starch, vegetable oils, flour;
glycerin, petroleum jelly
To accelerate the recovery process, drink more fluids, follow bed rest, arrange small starvation sessions and take effective enterosorbents (therapeutic drugs that bind mushrooms in the gastrointestinal tract).
How to behave with poisoning
Recommendations of doctors- take activated coal 4 times per hour (5g) with a break of 15 minutes; vitamin C- 2 times in an hour. There is a drug for natural raw materials, enterosorbent “Entagnin-N”, it combines properties and vitamin C and activated coal at the same time. It is also effective for poisoning with mushrooms, meat, fruits and vegetables, neutralizes the effect of toxins on the body and eliminates seizures, nausea and vomiting.
If the poison enters your body through the skin or external mucous membranes, it should be washed off with a large amount of physiological solution, or use weak alkaline and sour compositions.
How to behave with poisoning
When the poison gets in the cavity, it is washed out with simple water using douching or enemas. The poison is caused from the stomach using reflex urge or vomiting (soap water, mustard solution, Ipekakuana root decoction). Before that, the patient should drink at least 2 glasses of water or 0.5 % soda solution. Potassium permanganate (pale pink) and a warm solution of salt (2-3 hours.l for 250 ml of water).
The poison from the intestines is removed using laxatives. For abundant urine release, take diuretics and drink large volumes of liquid (it is recommended to drink milk, use egg proteins).
Poisons can be neutralized by accepting the antidote: neutralizing the acid alkali, and vice versa.
If you are poisoned by salts of heavy metals, acids or alkali, take enveloping agents, for example, jelly, vegetable oils, aqueous solution of flour or starch.
With gasoline poisoning, kerosene, turpentine, etc. Vaseline oil needs to be taken – it will accelerate their passage on the digestive tract (3 ml. 1 kg of body weight). You can also take glycerin, dosage up to 200 ml.
Going on trips to tropical countries, be careful with local cuisine and exotic fruits, find out in advance information about them.